Ankit Khatri



Masters Student in Computer Science, having research interest in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Human computer interface with NLP and security in IoT systems using Machine learning and Probabilistic Data structures. I have a strong aptitude for research and wish to pursue a PhD in future to further my interests. Experienced in Development using JS and Python. Done research projects in the field of security, ML, Deep Learning and HCI for LIS patients. Currently , I'm working broadly in the area of Image Processing.

Masters Student - Computer Science.

  • Phone: +91 829987113
  • City: New Delhi, India
  • Email:
  • Technical Skills: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Javascript, Python, SQL, Graph QL, Matplotlib, Numpy, Pandas, Time series modelling, OpenCV.



Ankit Khatri

Masters Student in Computer Science, having research interest in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Human computer interface with NLP and security in IoT systems using Machine learning and Probabilistic Data structures. I have a strong aptitude for research and wish to pursue a PhD in future to further my interests. Experienced in Development using JS and Python. Done research projects in the field of security, ML, Deep Learning and HCI.


Computer Science and Engineering, Masters of Technology

2021 - Ongoing

National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India

Information Technology, Bachelors of Technology

2016 - 2020

National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India

CGPA: 8.55/10

Research Experience

Department of Computer Science

Sept, 2021 - Present

National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar

Working with Dr. Kuldeep Kumar on the topic, “Pavement distress detection using Deep Learning based methods”. We have been working on a YOLO based model to effectively locate cracks and defects on pavements in an image dataset collected from three different countries (RDD-2020 dataset). A conventional LBP-Cascaded classifier using RetinaNet and MobileNet is also being explored for this purpose. Ensemble techniques may improve the overall accuracy. We have also submitted for publication, a literature review which consists of existing solutions in this problem domain.

Department of Computer Science

Sept, 2021 - Present

National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar

Worked with Dr. Amritpal Singh on exploring the role of Bloom Filters in detection of DDoS Attacks in cloud enabled IoT devices. This probabilistic data structure is preferred more as compared to ML based learning systems for this purpose. Various existing techniques to detect and mitigate such attacks have been explored by us keeping in mind the limitations and vulnerability of IoT devices. This is an extension to my earlier research on detection of DDoS attack in IoT devices using ANN. Both the detection and mitigation part are explored in this study and a survey paper is submitted for publication. We are also exploring Learned Bloom filters for this problem.

Department of Computer Science

Jan,2020 - April,2020

National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar

This research was focused on developing a Human Computer Interface for Locked-in-Syndrome patients. Worked under the guidance of Dr. Anup Kumar Patel. Here, we have proposed a VOG based model that automates the task of communication for paralyzed patients using eye blink detection. This is done by localizing the eye landmark points on the face and deriving an Eye Aspect Ratio which when approaches zero indicates that the patient blinked. Further, intentional blinks are detected to let the user communicate via characters on the interface.

Department of Computer Science

Aug,2019 - Nov,2019

National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar

Worked with Dr. B.B Gupta in the cyber security domain. Specifically, the work involved the implementation of an Artificial Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System which can accurately detect DDoS attacks in IoT devices in a simulated environment. This IDS is trained on IP traces data to classify safe and hostile packets and based on a threshold an attack is detected, otherwise normal activity is reported. We also explored various ways to mitigate such attacks involving Bloom Filters.

Professional Experience

ACCOLITE, Software Engineering Intern

June 2019- July 2019

New Delhi, India

  • Worked on Client Project PMI (Protein Metrics Enterprise) using .NET Core C# at backend and Angular JS at frontend.
  • Key member of the project team, responsible for adding support for GraphQL from scratch, integrating Apollo GraphQL Angular support at the client side, adding support for pagination, LINQ, variable reference passing in GraphQL query on SQL server.
  • Delivered presentations to high level business team.

NATIVOE, Full Stack Development Intern

May 2018- July 2018

New Delhi, India

  • Worked on user authentication, admin interface and online booking component using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

CONTREE, Backend Development Intern

June 2017- August 2017

New Delhi, India

  • Worked as a backend development intern and played a key role in building authentication page for individuals and organization based on civiCRM using JavaScript.
  • Added essential search functionality for event/project to find volunteer details and sending automated emails for event participation confirmation.


You can connect with me in case our research interests matches. I would be grateful to collaborate and work on new ideas.


Palam Village, New Delhi, India


+91 8295987113

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